Frederick Douglass Ladies Golf Classic 2020 Tee Sheet

Sat, August 29

Kearney Hill - HS Adjusted / HS Girls
Time Players
Kearney Hill - HS Adjusted
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allen, Cameron Sacred Heart
12:21 PM HS Girls Halloran, Hayley | Hosteter, Hayley | Spires, Callie
Allen, Emily Shelby Co
1:51 PM HS Girls Follmer-Burnett, Kendall | Gossage, Riley | Stone, Samantha
Anderson, Mattie Barren Co
9:36 AM HS Girls Brewer, Smith | Lankford, Carter | Taylor, Katherine
Bailey, Suzette Franklin Co
10:36 AM HS Girls Kilgore, Frances | Neagle, Tinsley | Williams, Kendall
Bansal, Arushi Sayre
8:06 AM HS Girls Bender, Kennedy | Bradburn, Elyssa | Jacobs, Jill
Barbour, Emma Tates Creek
7:42 AM HS Girls Johnson, Hampton | Roe, Sofia
Bassetti, Caroline Sayre
8:21 AM HS Girls Kinnana, Hunter | Shah, Aashini | Tucker, Caroline
Bender, Kennedy West Jessamine
8:06 AM HS Girls Bansal, Arushi | Bradburn, Elyssa | Jacobs, Jill
Bevington, Ellie Franklin Co
10:51 AM HS Girls Newby, Paige | Sharrard, Corinne | White, Grace
Bradburn, Elyssa Model
8:06 AM HS Girls Bansal, Arushi | Bender, Kennedy | Jacobs, Jill
Brennan, Taylor Bryan Station
11:51 AM HS Girls Cerqueria, Maggie | Hanni, Kate | Powell, Casey
Brewer, Smith Henry Clay
9:36 AM HS Girls Anderson, Mattie | Lankford, Carter | Taylor, Katherine
Britt, Rachel Barren Co
9:21 AM HS Girls Hagen, Channing | Phillips, Maryssa | Rice, Haley
Brooks, Bella Lexington Catholic
1:06 PM HS Girls Hopkins, Brooke | Martin, Faith | Sutherland, Abigail
Brown, Tori Ashland
11:06 AM HS Girls Coulter, Payton | Durham, Carly | Smith, Shelby
Bryant, Grace Eastern
10:21 AM HS Girls Lunsford, Kylah | Russell, Bree | Walker, Grace
Buchanan, Abi Madison Central
9:06 AM HS Girls Cassidy, E.P. | Edwards, Kinsey | Matthews, Molly
Buenemann, Alison Frederick Douglass
1:36 PM HS Girls Elder, Madison | Fowler, Audrey | Keplinger, Anna
Campbell, Kariann Lexington Catholic
12:36 PM HS Girls McClanahan, Sydney | Morgan, Janie | New, Anna
Carter, Christy Ann LCA
9:51 AM HS Girls Eberle, Elizabeth | Luhan, Miller | Steenbergen, Landry
Cassidy, E.P. Henry Clay
9:06 AM HS Girls Buchanan, Abi | Edwards, Kinsey | Matthews, Molly
Cecil, Macy Lexington Catholic
12:51 PM HS Girls Stahl, McKenna | Warner, Emily | Worley, Lauren
Cerqueria, Maggie Boyle Co
11:51 AM HS Girls Brennan, Taylor | Hanni, Kate | Powell, Casey
Cerqueria, Riley Boyle Co
11:21 AM HS Girls Salchli, Savanna | Sorrell, Laney | Wells, Olivia
Clark, Grace Shelby Co
2:21 PM HS Girls King, Sydney | Seay, Alexis | Tackett, Sarah
Coulter, Payton Dunbar
11:06 AM HS Girls Brown, Tori | Durham, Carly | Smith, Shelby
Courtney, Addison Frederick Douglass
1:21 PM HS Girls Lusk, Lilly | Morris, Sofie | Weber, Lily
Crase, Amelia Lexington Catholic
12:06 PM HS Girls Cruce, Ainslee | Kaelin, Lauren | Shown, Morgan
Cruce, Ainslee South Warren
12:06 PM HS Girls Crase, Amelia | Kaelin, Lauren | Shown, Morgan
Cullop, Carley Ashland
11:36 AM HS Girls George, Layla | Harris, Jordan | Sharrard, Ruby
Durham, Carly Boyle Co
11:06 AM HS Girls Brown, Tori | Coulter, Payton | Smith, Shelby
Durr, Lesley Model
8:36 AM HS Girls Fox, Addy | Hodge, Mary | Reed, Minnie
Eberle, Elizabeth Madison Central
9:51 AM HS Girls Carter, Christy Ann | Luhan, Miller | Steenbergen, Landry
Edwards, Kinsey Barren Co - Individual
9:06 AM HS Girls Buchanan, Abi | Cassidy, E.P. | Matthews, Molly
Elder, Madison Shelby Co
1:36 PM HS Girls Buenemann, Alison | Fowler, Audrey | Keplinger, Anna
Follmer-Burnett, Kendall Frederick Douglass
1:51 PM HS Girls Allen, Emily | Gossage, Riley | Stone, Samantha
Fowler, Audrey Mercy
1:36 PM HS Girls Buenemann, Alison | Elder, Madison | Keplinger, Anna
Fox, Addy Western Hills
8:36 AM HS Girls Durr, Lesley | Hodge, Mary | Reed, Minnie
Gaunce, Taylor Barren Co
10:06 AM HS Girls Marrs, Mary Keen | Ramsey, Claria Beth | Talbott, Hannah
George, Layla Dunbar
11:36 AM HS Girls Cullop, Carley | Harris, Jordan | Sharrard, Ruby
Gossage, Riley Lafayette
1:51 PM HS Girls Allen, Emily | Follmer-Burnett, Kendall | Stone, Samantha
Hagen, Channing Henry Clay
9:21 AM HS Girls Britt, Rachel | Phillips, Maryssa | Rice, Haley
Halloran, Hayley Pulaski
12:21 PM HS Girls Allen, Cameron | Hosteter, Hayley | Spires, Callie
Hanni, Kate Ashland
11:51 AM HS Girls Brennan, Taylor | Cerqueria, Maggie | Powell, Casey
Harris, Jordan Franklin Co
11:36 AM HS Girls Cullop, Carley | George, Layla | Sharrard, Ruby
Hoard, Bailey Frederick Douglass - Individual
7:30 AM HS Girls Peng, Emily | Scott, Georgia
Hodge, Mary West Jessamine
8:36 AM HS Girls Durr, Lesley | Fox, Addy | Reed, Minnie
Hopkins, Brooke Pulaski
1:06 PM HS Girls Brooks, Bella | Martin, Faith | Sutherland, Abigail
Hosteter, Hayley Lexington Catholic
12:21 PM HS Girls Allen, Cameron | Halloran, Hayley | Spires, Callie
Jacobs, Jill Western Hills
8:06 AM HS Girls Bansal, Arushi | Bender, Kennedy | Bradburn, Elyssa
Johnson, Hampton West Jessamine
7:42 AM HS Girls Barbour, Emma | Roe, Sofia
Kaelin, Lauren Sacred Heart
12:06 PM HS Girls Crase, Amelia | Cruce, Ainslee | Shown, Morgan
Keplinger, Anna Lafayette
1:36 PM HS Girls Buenemann, Alison | Elder, Madison | Fowler, Audrey
Kilgore, Frances Bryan Station
10:36 AM HS Girls Bailey, Suzette | Neagle, Tinsley | Williams, Kendall
King, Rachel Mercy
2:06 PM HS Girls Prater, Ashlynn | Reynolds, Claire | Wiley, Isabella
King, Sydney Frederick Douglass
2:21 PM HS Girls Clark, Grace | Seay, Alexis | Tackett, Sarah
Kinnana, Hunter Western Hills
8:21 AM HS Girls Bassetti, Caroline | Shah, Aashini | Tucker, Caroline
Lankford, Carter LCA
9:36 AM HS Girls Anderson, Mattie | Brewer, Smith | Taylor, Katherine
Leibee, Tessa Russell Independent
8:51 AM HS Girls Nolty, Lauren | Schaffer, Allison | Stilz, Jane
Luhan, Miller Henry Clay
9:51 AM HS Girls Carter, Christy Ann | Eberle, Elizabeth | Steenbergen, Landry
Lunsford, Kylah Henry Clay
10:21 AM HS Girls Bryant, Grace | Russell, Bree | Walker, Grace
Lusk, Lilly Lafayette
1:21 PM HS Girls Courtney, Addison | Morris, Sofie | Weber, Lily
Mansfield, Paige Western Hills
7:54 AM HS Girls Palumbo, Anna | Phillips, Kennedy
Marrs, Mary Keen LCA
10:06 AM HS Girls Gaunce, Taylor | Ramsey, Claria Beth | Talbott, Hannah
Martin, Faith South Warren
1:06 PM HS Girls Brooks, Bella | Hopkins, Brooke | Sutherland, Abigail
Matthews, Molly LCA
9:06 AM HS Girls Buchanan, Abi | Cassidy, E.P. | Edwards, Kinsey
McClanahan, Sydney South Warren
12:36 PM HS Girls Campbell, Kariann | Morgan, Janie | New, Anna
Morgan, Janie Sacred Heart
12:36 PM HS Girls Campbell, Kariann | McClanahan, Sydney | New, Anna
Morris, Sofie Shelby Co
1:21 PM HS Girls Courtney, Addison | Lusk, Lilly | Weber, Lily
Neagle, Tinsley Barren Co - Individual
10:36 AM HS Girls Bailey, Suzette | Kilgore, Frances | Williams, Kendall
New, Anna Pulaski
12:36 PM HS Girls Campbell, Kariann | McClanahan, Sydney | Morgan, Janie
Newby, Paige Boyle Co
10:51 AM HS Girls Bevington, Ellie | Sharrard, Corinne | White, Grace
Nolty, Lauren East Carter
8:51 AM HS Girls Leibee, Tessa | Schaffer, Allison | Stilz, Jane
Palumbo, Anna Sayre
7:54 AM HS Girls Mansfield, Paige | Phillips, Kennedy
Peng, Emily Bryan Station - Individual
7:30 AM HS Girls Hoard, Bailey | Scott, Georgia
Phillips, Kennedy West Jessamine
7:54 AM HS Girls Mansfield, Paige | Palumbo, Anna
Phillips, Maryssa LCA
9:21 AM HS Girls Britt, Rachel | Hagen, Channing | Rice, Haley
Powell, Casey Dunbar
11:51 AM HS Girls Brennan, Taylor | Cerqueria, Maggie | Hanni, Kate
Prater, Ashlynn Lafayette
2:06 PM HS Girls King, Rachel | Reynolds, Claire | Wiley, Isabella
Ramsey, Claria Beth Madison Central
10:06 AM HS Girls Gaunce, Taylor | Marrs, Mary Keen | Talbott, Hannah
Reed, Minnie Sayre
8:36 AM HS Girls Durr, Lesley | Fox, Addy | Hodge, Mary
Reynolds, Claire Frederick Douglass
2:06 PM HS Girls King, Rachel | Prater, Ashlynn | Wiley, Isabella
Rice, Haley Madison Central
9:21 AM HS Girls Britt, Rachel | Hagen, Channing | Phillips, Maryssa
Roe, Sofia Frederick Douglass - Individual
7:42 AM HS Girls Barbour, Emma | Johnson, Hampton
Russell, Bree Barren Co
10:21 AM HS Girls Bryant, Grace | Lunsford, Kylah | Walker, Grace
Salchli, Savanna Franklin Co
11:21 AM HS Girls Cerqueria, Riley | Sorrell, Laney | Wells, Olivia
Schaffer, Allison Model
8:51 AM HS Girls Leibee, Tessa | Nolty, Lauren | Stilz, Jane
Scott, Georgia Tates Creek
7:30 AM HS Girls Hoard, Bailey | Peng, Emily
Seay, Alexis Mercy
2:21 PM HS Girls Clark, Grace | King, Sydney | Tackett, Sarah
Shah, Aashini Model
8:21 AM HS Girls Bassetti, Caroline | Kinnana, Hunter | Tucker, Caroline
Sharrard, Corinne Bryan Station
10:51 AM HS Girls Bevington, Ellie | Newby, Paige | White, Grace
Sharrard, Ruby Bryan Station
11:36 AM HS Girls Cullop, Carley | George, Layla | Harris, Jordan
Shown, Morgan Bryan Station
12:06 PM HS Girls Crase, Amelia | Cruce, Ainslee | Kaelin, Lauren
Smith, Shelby Franklin Co
11:06 AM HS Girls Brown, Tori | Coulter, Payton | Durham, Carly
Sorrell, Laney Ashland
11:21 AM HS Girls Cerqueria, Riley | Salchli, Savanna | Wells, Olivia
Spires, Callie South Warren
12:21 PM HS Girls Allen, Cameron | Halloran, Hayley | Hosteter, Hayley
Stahl, McKenna South Warren
12:51 PM HS Girls Cecil, Macy | Warner, Emily | Worley, Lauren
Steenbergen, Landry Barren Co
9:51 AM HS Girls Carter, Christy Ann | Eberle, Elizabeth | Luhan, Miller
Stilz, Jane Sayre
8:51 AM HS Girls Leibee, Tessa | Nolty, Lauren | Schaffer, Allison
Stone, Samantha Mercy
1:51 PM HS Girls Allen, Emily | Follmer-Burnett, Kendall | Gossage, Riley
Sutherland, Abigail Sacred Heart
1:06 PM HS Girls Brooks, Bella | Hopkins, Brooke | Martin, Faith
Tackett, Sarah Lafayette
2:21 PM HS Girls Clark, Grace | King, Sydney | Seay, Alexis
Talbott, Hannah Christian Academy of Louisville
10:06 AM HS Girls Gaunce, Taylor | Marrs, Mary Keen | Ramsey, Claria Beth
Taylor, Katherine Madison Central
9:36 AM HS Girls Anderson, Mattie | Brewer, Smith | Lankford, Carter
Tucker, Caroline West Jessamine
8:21 AM HS Girls Bassetti, Caroline | Kinnana, Hunter | Shah, Aashini
Walker, Grace Christian Academy of Louisville
10:21 AM HS Girls Bryant, Grace | Lunsford, Kylah | Russell, Bree
Warner, Emily Sacred Heart
12:51 PM HS Girls Cecil, Macy | Stahl, McKenna | Worley, Lauren
Weber, Lily Mercy
1:21 PM HS Girls Courtney, Addison | Lusk, Lilly | Morris, Sofie
Wells, Olivia Dunbar
11:21 AM HS Girls Cerqueria, Riley | Salchli, Savanna | Sorrell, Laney
White, Grace Dunbar
10:51 AM HS Girls Bevington, Ellie | Newby, Paige | Sharrard, Corinne
Wiley, Isabella Shelby Co
2:06 PM HS Girls King, Rachel | Prater, Ashlynn | Reynolds, Claire
Williams, Kendall Boyle Co
10:36 AM HS Girls Bailey, Suzette | Kilgore, Frances | Neagle, Tinsley
Worley, Lauren Pulaski
12:51 PM HS Girls Cecil, Macy | Stahl, McKenna | Warner, Emily